Some thoughts re: the whole Kony 2012/Invisible Children movement and its subsequent backlash & accusations of charity corruption, etc.:
For every armchair activist, there is someone else calling it out as lazy and pointless. Viral political/social awareness campaigns, spread via Facebook, Twitter, etc., help raise awareness of an issue, that is undeniable. I don't necessarily dispute eitherargument that it's helpful/useless; both sides have valid points. However, I do observe at least two positive possibilities of spreading awareness information via social media: 1.) Raising awareness of world issues, which Americans very much lack compared to most of the rest of the world. 2.) Raising empathy and compassion, which is something that the human race DESPERATELY NEEDS MORE OF all the time. We often forget that we need to fucking take care of each other on this planet. It's time to seriously eject the concept, "I got mine, fuck all the rest." Time to fucking grow up and leave the moral playpen and start acting like the big-brained, intelligent, highly evolved creatures that we are. Bonus round: Yes, it's true that not everyone who is concerned with an issue has the means to TRULY get involved, donate money to reputable organizations, etc. -- in fact, I am guessing that most can't, or aren't in a position to do so for various reasons. If the most they can do is help to spread awareness of an issue, how is that a bad thing? It might just inspire that one extra person to take more direct action to help a cause. In any case, it is better than doing nothing and not caring at all. Via the internet, we have the ability to REALLY connect as a species and communicate openly and easily. Let's use it to make a compassionate difference in this world before we fucking destroy it. TL;DR - Never underestimate the power of communication.